Συνολικές προβολές σελίδας


A Miracle happened..

MOVIE MAGIC ... Did you happen to catch
"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"? I have to
 admit I had limited interest in the movie
 and need some convincing to watch it,
but I'm glad I did. Without revealing anything
 about the plot, the scene with Kristen Wiig singing
 David Bowie's "Space Oddity" is
one of the most charmingly memorable scenes I've
watched in some time.

For music trivia geeks like me, I thought it was an
 interesting touch that Wiig is strumming a 12-string guitar,
the kind used by Bowie during the recording of the original
song. Some real uplifting moments in the film and some great
 use of music by Arcade Fire and Of Monsters and Men..!!!!
.From :  Ben Kolasinski EMN..

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