Όταν είσαι 1ο θέμα στους "Financial Times" συνεχόμενα επί 1,5 μήνα, μέσα σ' όλα διαβάζεις και αυτό* ("How markets attacked the Greek piñata"
By James Rickards)
Published: February 11 2010 19:48 | Last updated: February 11 2010 19:48 :
Let’s be clear, public finance in Greece is a mess. Statistics have been fudged, government pensions have been inflated and reckless borrowing has been the norm. Drastic remedies are required. But the crisis is manageable, and Europe has sent clear signals that they will take care of their own house without help from China, America or the International Monetary Fund. Unfortunately, a measured response does no good to the dealers in CDS, who require volatility and even panic to make their game a profitable one. If contagion spreads in uncontrollable ways, so much the better for the traders in volatility, never mind the collateral damage.
Τα bold & beautifull δικά μου..
By James Rickards)
Published: February 11 2010 19:48 | Last updated: February 11 2010 19:48 :
Let’s be clear, public finance in Greece is a mess. Statistics have been fudged, government pensions have been inflated and reckless borrowing has been the norm. Drastic remedies are required. But the crisis is manageable, and Europe has sent clear signals that they will take care of their own house without help from China, America or the International Monetary Fund. Unfortunately, a measured response does no good to the dealers in CDS, who require volatility and even panic to make their game a profitable one. If contagion spreads in uncontrollable ways, so much the better for the traders in volatility, never mind the collateral damage.
Τα bold & beautifull δικά μου..